Sunday, June 17, 2012

Daddy's day

While Jeremy was feted with handmade cards, brownies, gifts and a new coffee mug this morning, I think his greatest Father's Day present was mine - 24 hours of no nagging. No returns, no exchanges.

The man was resolute - he wanted to go to Chinatown for Father's Day with our friends Emily and Steve. They readily agreed, bringing along their baby boy, and we headed to Cai in Chinatown. I'm always happy when we can spend time exploring Chicago's diverse neighborhoods. And eating dim sum.

After lunch, I was vying for a trip to Evanston - a walk around our alma mater is a nice Sunday activity. But Jeremy had other designs. We headed to 31st Beach in Chicago's Bronzeville neighborhood.

We love it and will be back - this park area was recently renovated with a dream playground, complete with a sprinkle park; a harbor; clean bathrooms; a turn-around for dropping off beach supplies and eager children; and spectacular views of downtown. Parking is paid but it is in a garage so your car stays cool. And Jeremy checked out the beach. "No broken glass," he proclaimed. Our standards have been lowered after years of city beach trips.

So Daddy knows best today. I'm glad we followed his lead and tried something new.

One more Father's Day treat, extending into tomorrow. Our favorite lemon poppy seed muffins are cooling on the counter. And if you've got some play dates this week, like we do, try The Baby Grands on Pandora. Happy week ahead, gentle readers.

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